Sunday, July 29, 2012

Top 5 Event Marketing Metrics by Jake Jorgovan

Over the past several years, event marketing has become a more commonly practiced and accepted way to reach consumers. As television advertising dollars are starting to fall off, we are seeing an increase in budgets for event marketing and experiential programs.
The one problem that event marketers have been having over the past several years is figuring out how to track the efficiency of their events and give agencies and brands quality data. 69% of brands say that the absence of an industry standard ROI measurement model is a challenge for their organization.
“Our biggest challenge is tracking returns and thinking creatively and strategically”
- Event Marketing Executive
While there is no industry standard to measure data, EMI & Mosaic put out their 2012 EventTrack survey asking brands and agencies what the most important metrics are for campaigns. This is what they had to say.
Brands top five measurement criteria:
1. Total attendance, participation or visits
2. Leads
3. Public relations, press coverage
4. Gross sales related to the event
5. Sales post-event or experience
Agencies top five measurement criteria:
1. Total attendance, participation or visits
2. Leads
3. Customer time with product/experience
4. Sales post-event or experience
5. Facebook Likes, social media activity, posts
Now the question is, how are you going to start measuring your event programs?
*Source: EMI/Mosaic EventTrack 2012